Sunday, September 30, 2012


     Hello all! Hope you had a fantastic week and have an even better weekend planned. I’m looking forward to some time with some girlfriends and perhaps some pumpkin picking? The weather is supposed to be fabulous.

Why do I always talk about the weather? I don’t know. It’s my thing.
Anyway, today I had to show off some of the LOVELY family room spaces you all linked up last month at the August Show Us Your House party. I looove family rooms. LOVE.them. It’s all about cozy and comfy for me and I so enjoyed looking through these spaces.

     Isn’t that amazing? SO cool. And you’ll just die when you see what they did with extra panes from the window. Brilliant. Doing it. Someday.
     When I saw the close up shot of her mantel, I thought it was an inspiration shot from a magazine, no lie.
     Her pillows and fireplace and sofas and rug and lamps don’t hurt anything either.
     I am drawn to this look for our basement – love it. All of the white accessories in the shelves make a beautiful statement too.
I think I’ve shown you Kelly’s (yes, that would be three Kelly’s this time. Kelly’s must just have pretty family rooms in general.) space before, but for some reason I don't remember

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